Thursday, March 11, 2021



Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. The constant search for obtaining that perfect smile has made cosmetic dentistry popular, Cosmetic dentistry is a method of professional oral care that focuses on improving the appearance of your mouth and  teeth and ensures that you get that billion dollar  smile. Most cosmetic dentistry procedures are usually elective, rather than essential. However a few of these treatments may provide benefits of restoration to the teeth as well.

Cosmetic dentistry can restore teeth that are missing, decayed or damaged and can also address concerns of stains and misshapen or mal-aligned teeth.

The major cosmetic dentistry treatments that you can choose from, are:


1.Tooth Whitening


Whitening (or bleaching) is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. It is relatively inexpensive and uninvasive, thus making it a very attractive procedure. The best results are typically achieved through in-office professional whitening treatment.


The procedure starts with cleaning the teeth and removing any plaque or accumulated debris. A whitening agent is then brushed onto the teeth. In some cases a light for activation of the agent or a whitening tray may be used. The agent is allowed to act on the teeth for 30 minutes before being rinsed. The whitening agent will continue to brighten the shade of the teeth for 24 hours after application. Various preparations of home whiteners are also available that allow self administration, albeit after proper consultaion with your dentist.


Depending on the particular variety of teeth whitening treatment you opt for, you may be able to lighten teeth color by two to nine shades. Results are temporary and may last several months (depending on how well you care for your teeth).

2. Veneers

Dental veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored porcelain or resin that cover the front surface of the teeth. This shell is fabricated to fit over a prepared tooth to correct worn enamel, uneven alignment/spacing, chips/cracks, and/or discoloration. Around half-millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface is removed, impressions may be taken and sent to the lab for veneer fabrication. These thin shells are then cemented onto the front of the teeth thus changing their color, shape, size, or length.

Veneers are especially useful for those for whom teeth whitening is not an option, either due to stubborn intrinsic tooth staining or other functional concerns. However, unlike whitening, veneer application is an invasive procedure that requires the permanent alteration of your natural teeth.

Traditional porcelain veneers last on average between 10 to 15 years and are often called “Hollywood teeth." 

3.Invisible braces

To achieve that perfect smile, it is not only children and adolescents who turn to braces but also adults. Braces are not only for aesthetics. This dental procedure can correct misalignment causing pain like chronic headaches as well. For those looking for an orthodontic solution without a mouth full of wire and bracket braces, invisible braces may be a consideration. There are a number of invisible braces variants, including ceramic tooth-colored brackets, inside braces (placed on the back of teeth) or clear aligners such as invisalign. Invisalign braces are a great option for adults because no one can tell you’re wearing them! Though these invisible braces cost a significant amount more than the traditional ones, the benefits truly warrant the investment.

4.Gingival Contouring

A common smile concern many people share is a  gummy smile, in which an excessive amount of gum tissue is exposed when smiling. Also called excessive gingival display, gummy smile is treatable in a variety of ways, including laser treatment, surgical lip repositioning, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery and gingival sculpting. Gingival contouring treatments often are performed by specialists such as periodontists, orthodontists or in some cases an oral surgeon.


5. Dental Bonding

In dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin material is placed on the tooth and hardened with an ultraviolet or laser light, bonding the material to the tooth. The dentist then trims, shapes, and polishes it. Bonding can repair decayed, chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth; it is also a good cosmetic alternative to, or replacement for unaesthetic silver fillings. Bonding takes about 30 to 60 minutes.
hough  not the most glamorous of the cosmetic dentistry treatments, bonding is nonetheless popular, much more so than some of the more elaborate procedures.



Crowns are also known commonly as caps and are custom made to fit your entire tooth. It is an invasive procedure and requires the dentist to cut your tooth from all sides and reduce its size. They are usually made of acrylic, ceramic or porcelain that is fused over metal and are capable of withstanding biting pressure. Crowns can be used to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, chipped, have had large fillings or to cover spaces between the teeth. The crown fits above the gum line and restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.


Thursday, March 4, 2021




Wisdom teeth are the teeth that grow at the very back of the mouth. These are also known as the third molars and come into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 25. There are a total of four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth.

FAQ: Wisdom Tooth Extraction | All Pro Dental

Sometimes, there is not enough room in the mouth for these wisdom teeth to erupt into the right position. They might come out through the gums at an angle or only come through partially. This occurrence is called as impaction of wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth may lead to problems such as pain or infections. Some people may not have any wisdom teeth at all.


Problems due to impactions:

·         Pain- that could be localized to the area of the tooth or radiating to other areas of the head and neck.

·         Swelling

·         The impacted wisdom  may  apply pressure on the adjacent tooth and cause cavities or resorption of the root.

·         Reduced mouth opening.

Wisdom Teeth



·         Ensure that you take a suitable appointment and keep to it.

·         Eat a decent meal prior to the surgery, nothing too heavy. Don’t be on an empty stomach.

·         Discuss any medication you may be on with the surgeon so that they can plan / modify the treatment accordingly.

·         Ensure that the medications prescribed by the surgeon are taken prior to surgery.

·         Wisdom teeth extraction is an outpatient surgery, which means you arrive and leave the surgery center on the same day. 




·         The Dentist will take an X ray to determine the location of the wisdom tooth, whether it is angulated and its proximity to various vital structures in the jaw.

·         The Dental Surgeon will then administer local anaesthesia around the impacted wisdom tooth  to numb the area.

·         If the tooth hasn't erupted into the mouth or is partly covered by the gums, a small cut  will be made through the gums to reach the tooth. In certain cases, a part of the bone covering the tooth may also have to be cut and removed.

·         As the dentist performs the procedure, a certain amount of pressure may be felt by you.

·         Stitches may be placed as required and if these are non resorbable, you will need to visit the surgeon after 7 days to get them removed.

·         The length of time it takes to remove a wisdom tooth depends on the tooth and the difficulty of the surgery.

What Exactly is a Wisdom Tooth? - Capstone Clintonville Dentist


Post surgery:

·         Sometimes, the surgery causes bruising, swelling, and pain, which will also require time to heal

·         Wisdom teeth recovery usually takes three to four days.

·         If your teeth were impacted, it could take as long as a week or two to heal.

·         Pain usually lasts from three days to one week

·         You may find difficulty in opening the mouth

·         Slight bruising of the cheeks and lips

Wisdom Teeth Removal - Recovery Time, Procedure & FAQ



Post surgical instructions:

·         The dentist will place a piece of cotton or gauze and ask you to bite on it. This can be removed 30-45 minutes after extraction.

·         Eat or drink cold foods and beverages throughout the day

·         Avoid any activity that applies pressure on the mouth, such as sucking, spitting, whistling, blowing a balloon, etc

·         Avoid  foods that can easily get into the sockets and in teeth and cause pain and damage to the healing wounds, like: Sticky candy Chewing gum Hard, crunchy food like chips, pretzels, nuts, and seeds and extremely hot food

·         Rinse your mouth with luke warm water in which salt has been added, 3-4 times a day after 24 hours of removal to speed up healing.

·         Eat the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

·         Gently open and close your mouth to exercise your jaw.

·         Avoid smoking and drinking for a few days after removal.

Care after tooth extraction/removal | Wisdom teeth, Wisdom teeth removal, Wisdom  tooth extraction


Follow up

·         Ensure that you visit the dentist for a follow up as and when scheduled so that the stitches (if any) can be removed and the healing process can be evaluated.


  Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. The constant search for obtaining that perfect smile has made cosmetic dent...